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RECC Domain Results:  60 items found
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Abacus Information  S. Osterhaus, 
D. Sewell & 
J. Brown
Math Abacus article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: This collection of articles discusses the following topics: Abacus vs Calculators, Prime Factorization on the Abacus, Using an Abacus and the Counting Method, Courses Available to Learn Abacus, and Abacus Internet Site Packet.
APH Braille Print Protractor (You Tube video instruction) N/A Math Adaptive Tools/Technology, 
Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Instructional Support, 
Low Vision Solutions
website Report a problem!
Description: TSBVI has produced a 15 part series in learning how to use the APH braille/print protractor. The series is taught by Susan Osterhaus, a leader in the field of math for the visually impaired.
APH Cranmer Abacus: Prime Factorization (TSBVI YouTube Video Series) N/A Math Adaptive Tools/Technology, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Instructional Support, 
Teaching Advanced Mathematics
website Report a problem!
Description: How to perform prime factorization using the APH Cranmer Abacus is explained by TSBVI Math Consultant, Susan Osterhaus.
APH Graph Board (TSBVI YouTube Video Series) N/A Math Adaptive Tools/Technology, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Instructional Support, 
Low Vision Solutions, 
Teaching Advanced Mathematics
website Report a problem!
Description: An explanation of how to use and instruct with the APH Graph Board is provided by Susan Osterhaus, TSBVI Math Consultant.
Audio Graphing Calculator (Cost) N/A Math, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts website Report a problem!
Description: This software program allows blind users to access and learn about graphs through sound. In Texas, it is an allowable accommodation for STAAR Math tests in grades 8 through 12.
Basic Nemeth Code Reference Sheet (APH Quota) N/A Math Learning Nemeth Code, 
website Report a problem!
Description: Reference sheet for teachers and students to use for all functions of using, instructing and learning the Nemeth Code. It is available in print and in braille.
Braille Transcribers' Kit for Math (APH Quota) N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Tactile Graphics kit Report a problem!
Description: Use these kits for the creation of various types of graphics.
Challenges in Teaching Math to the Visually Impaired N/A Math Instructional Planning, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: A college student working on her bachelor's degree in mathematics education interviews Susan Osterhaus about the challenges of teaching math to a student with a visual impairment.
Computer Generated Tactile Graphics P. Van Geem Compensatory/Access, 
Social Studies, 
Tactile Graphics, 
Tactile Maps
Word document Report a problem!
Description: This area of the TSBVI website discusses the how-to for making computer graphics plus gives a plethora of companies that provide materials for making the graphics.
Delta Education (Cost) N/A Math, 
Instructional Aids/Materials website Report a problem!
Description: This is a source for manipulatives for the purpose of math and science instruction. (Not VI specific)
Design Science N/A Math, 
Producing Nemeth Code website Report a problem!
Description: Design Science offers MathType, which is a powerful interactive equation editor for Windows and Macintosh that lets you create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, elearning, and for TeX, LaTeX, and MathML documents. It can be used with Duxbury to produce Nemeth Code.
EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information)for Math and Science N/A Math, 
Adaptive Tools/Technology, 
Instructional Aids/Materials, 
website Report a problem!
Description: Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI) is a non-profit organization that provides webinars on accessible information technology for individuals and professionals with disabilities.
Elementary Math Skills Continuum TSBVI Teachers Math Instructional Strategies, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
book Report a problem!
Description: Math concepts arranged in 'clusters' for grades K-5.
FOCUS in Mathematics (APH Quota) F. L. Franks, 
S. Albrecht, 
R.V. Morris & 
K.R. Morris
Math Functional Math, 
Teaching Basic Number Facts and Operation
kit Report a problem!
Description: This activity-based program emphasizes the fundamental operations, properties and structure of mathematics.
Geometry Tactile Graphics Kit (APH Quota) N/A Math Tactile Graphics kit Report a problem!
Description: Kit for the creation of graphics associated with the instruction of geometry.
Good Tactile Graphic: DVD and Booklet (APH Quota) N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Instructional Strategies video Report a problem!
Description: This presentation helps teachers and braillists improve their skills in the creation of tactile graphics.
Hand2Mind (Cost) N/A Early Childhood, 
Instructional Aids/Materials website Report a problem!
Description: This is a source for manipulatives for all ages and grade levels. (Not VI specific)
Introduction to Braille Mathematics Based on The Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, 1972 (APH Quota) H. Roberts, 
B. Krebs & 
B. Taffet
Professional Resources
Learning Nemeth Code, 
book Report a problem!
Description: This book has been designed as an easily assimilated presentation of the special symbols and complex rules and procedures laid down in the Nemeth Code for Mathematics and Science Notation. The homework exercises in this manual are designed to prepare certified literary braillists for the Library of Congress examination leading to certification in braille mathematics transcribing.
Learning the Nemeth Braille Code: A Manual for Teachers and Students (1979)(Cost) R. H. Craig Math, 
Learning Nemeth Code book Report a problem!
Description: This manual is a text for learning those parts of the Nemeth Code likely to be used in elementary school, junior high school, and high school mathematics and science courses.
MacKichan Software, Inc. N/A Math, 
Producing Nemeth Code website Report a problem!
Description: MacKichan Software, Inc. offers Scientific Workplace, which is a software program that can be paired with Duxbury Braille Translator to produce Nemeth Code.
Math Education and Nemeth Code  S. Osterhaus & 
G. Bennett
Math Learning Nemeth Code article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: This group of documents discuss the following: Publications Available to Learn Nemeth Code, Other Ways to Learn Nemeth Code, Nemeth Code Reference Sheets, Teaching Nemeth Code, Nemeth & Adventitiously Blind High School Student, Sighted Math Teacher Needs to Learn Nemeth Code for Algebra II, Nemeth and College Algebra,  Set Notation,  Nemeth and Advanced Math,  Nemeth and GED Students,  and 'Moveable' Nemeth.
Math Flash (APH Quota) N/A Math, 
Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Teaching Basic Number Facts and Operation
website Report a problem!
Description: Math Flash is a computer program designed to help elementary students sharpen math skills using talking electronic flash cards.
Math Forum  N/A Math Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Instructional Development, 
Instructional Planning, 
Instructional Strategies
website Report a problem!
Description: Provides resources, materials, activities, person-to-person interactions, and educational products and services that enrich and support teaching and learning math in an increasingly technological world. (Not VI specific)
Math Publications N/A Math Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Instructional Strategies
website Report a problem!
Description: Here is a list of publications relating to teaching teaching math concepts and skills to blind and visually impaired students.
Math Talk (Cost) N/A Math, 
Adaptive Tools/Technology, 
Producing Nemeth Code, 
website Report a problem!
Description: Mathtalk is a speech recognition mathematics product. It pairs with Dragon 12 and Scientific Notebook to allow the user to control Scientific Notebook using speech.
Math Technology Susan Osterhaus Math Adaptive Tools/Technology article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: Specific technology for blind and visually impaired students to use for math.
Mathbuilders (APH Quota) N/A Math Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Teaching Advanced Mathematics, 
Teaching Basic Number Facts and Operation, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
kit Report a problem!
Description: From the catalog, 'Mathbuilders is a supplementary math program separated into eight units by content standards and grade level. This allows the teacher to focus on specific standards or provide remedial materials for individual students.'
Mathbuilders (APH Quota) N/A Math Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Teaching Advanced Mathematics, 
Teaching Basic Number Facts and Operation, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
kit Report a problem!
Description: From the catalog, 'Mathbuilders is a supplementary math program separated into eight units by content standards and grade level. This allows the teacher to focus on specific standards or provide remedial materials for individual students.'
Mathematics Their Way (Cost) M. Barrata-Lorton Math Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
book Report a problem!
Description: This book is one of the most popular and important instructional resources for primary teachers and provides a complete range of activities essential for primary students' development of mathematical understanding. (Not VI Specific)
Nemeth at a Glance: A Math Resource, Grade-Level Chart, and Evaluation Tool (2016) (Cost) Cleveland, 
et. al.
Learning Nemeth Code kit Report a problem!
Description: From the website, "This booklet supports the teaching and transcription of the Nemeth Braille code. It is a practical resource and quick reference that will facilitate Nemeth instruction and improve the quality and quantity of accessible mathematics materials for students who use braille."
Nemeth Code Reference Sheet (APH Quota) N/A Math Nemeth website Report a problem!
Description: This sheet provides as a great reference tool to all the symbols used for mathematic functions.
Nemeth Tutorial N/A Math Nemeth website Report a problem!
Description: From the APH website, "The Nemeth Tutorial teaches students and teachers how to use the Nemeth code from introductory topics to advanced topics in Mathematics."
Paths to Literacy N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Beginning Reading, 
Braille Literacy for the Sighted, 
Braille Writing, 
Emergent Literacy Skills, 
Functional Braille, 
Learning Media Assessment, 
Writing Skills
website Report a problem!
Description: This is a joint website created by the Perkins School for the Blind and TSBVI. Paths to Literacy provides information, strategies, resources, and research on a full range of areas related to literacy, including math, dual media, writing, ESL, and auditory. Literacy is promoted for all ages and levels, including students with multiple impairments. A forum can also be found here.
Picture Maker: Wheatley Tactile Diagramming Kit (APH Quota) N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Concept Development, 
Tactile Graphics, 
Tactile Maps
kit Report a problem!
Description: This diagramming kit is excellent to create basic maps, charts, shapes, and art projects. It is very useful for O&M instructors and also for teachers with young students learning basic shape and numeracy concepts; especially good for concept development, math skills, & tactile graphics; an excellent tool for use in general education classrooms.
Preparing Math Materials Using DBT and Scientific Notebook N/A Math, 
Word document Report a problem!
Description: This document provides step-by-step directions to help you get started using Scientific Notebook, Duxbury Braille Translator, and Quick Tac to produce correctly formatted Nemeth Braille materials. E-mail: amfierro7@gmail.com
Preparing Tactile Adaptations for Math and Science (Cost) N/A Math, 
Adaptive Tools/Technology, 
Tactile Graphics, 
Teaching Advanced Mathematics
video Report a problem!
Description: This video provides instruction to teachers on how to use tactile graphics (with everyday household products) when teaching math and science to visually impaired students.
Producing Math Materials in Nemeth Code  S. Osterhaus Math Producing Nemeth Code article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: This group of documents discuss Math Textbooks in Nemeth, and Nemeth Translation Software.
Project Math Access - Collaborative and inclusive Strategies -- The Transdisciplinary Model N/A Math Instructional Planning, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Program Planning
website Report a problem!
Description: Ideas are given for working with a team for math success with a visually impaired student.
SciTrain Science and Math for All N/A Math, 
Instructional Development, 
Instructional Planning, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Instructional Support
website Report a problem!
Description: SciTrain provides accomodations for students with disabilities (a specific area for the student with visual impairments is provided) in the areas of science and math.
Strategies for Developing Mathematics Skills in Students Who Use Braille (Cost) G. Kapperman, 
T. Heinze, 

J. Sticken
Math Concept Development, 
Learning Nemeth Code, 
Tactile Graphics
book Report a problem!
Description: This book written by experts in the field of math for the visually impaired discusses mathematical concept development, Nemeth Code, using tools and aid and tactual graphics.
Tactile Caliper (Cost) N/A Math, 
Products website Report a problem!
Description: From the website, "The Tactile Caliper is a simple to use, accurate low-cost measuring ruler for the blind and visually impaired that provides a braille output to 1/16th of an inch."
Tactile Graphic Line Slate (APH Quota) N/A Math, 
Social Studies
Tactile Graphics kit Report a problem!
Description: From the APH website, "This one-of-a-kind slate helps you create raised lines for tactile graphics onto various media (braille paper, vinyl, foil, and drawing film)."
Tactile Graphics (1992) (Cost) P. K. Edman Compensatory/Access, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Tactile Graphics, 
Tactile Maps, 
Tactual Sensitivities
book Report a problem!
Description: This is a comprehensive sourcebook for translating visual information into a three-dimensional form that blind and visually impaired persons can understand.
Tactile Graphics Image Library at APH N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Social Studies
Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Tactile Graphics, 
Tactile Maps
website Report a problem!
Description: This library has a plethera of images that can be downloaded for creating tactile graphics for students with visual impairments.
Tactile Graphics Kit (APH Quota) N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Tactile Graphics, 
Tactile Maps
kit Report a problem!
Description: Extensive kit for making maps, graphs, diagrams, etc. Contains braille slate and stylus, aluminum foil and guidebook with helpful information on tactile skills.
Tactile Graphics Starter Kit (APH Quota) N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Tactile Graphics kit Report a problem!
Description: This kit is for the beginning tactile graphics maker or for student-made graphics. It includes a slate and stylus and manual.
Tactile Graphics, An Overview and Resource Guide (1996) N/A Compensatory/Access, 
Instructional Strategies website Report a problem!
Description: From the introduction to the article: "This article is intended primarily for parents, teachers, and friends of blind people. It introduces the reader to some of the possibilities and to some limitations of using tactile graphics for conveying information to blind people. A number of methods for producing tactile graphics are described. A resource list of useful tools, supplies, and technological methods and devices is given."
Tactile Math Graphics S. Osterhaus, 
D. Spence & 
J. Gardner
Math Producing Nemeth Code, 
Tactile Graphics
Word document Report a problem!
Description: Resource list of on-line articles for preparing and using tactile graphics with mathematics. Some general information about tactile graphics is included.
TalkCalc (talking calculator) N/A Math Adaptive Tools/Technology, 
Low Vision Solutions
mobile or tablet app Report a problem!
Description: TalkCalc is an interactive talking calculator. It can display numbers along with objects such as fish and cars. It is designed for students just beginning to learn how to use a calculator.
Teaching Math to Visually Impaired Students S. Osterhaus Math Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Teaching Advanced Mathematics, 
Teaching Basic Number Facts and Operation, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
Word document Report a problem!
Description: This is an endless collection of materials, tips and links for teaching math to the visually impaired.
Teaching Strategies  S. Osterhaus Math Instructional Strategies, 
Teaching Advanced Mathematics, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: This group of documents include: Collaborative/Inclusive Strategies, Challenges in Teaching Mathematics to the Visually Impaired, Arithmetic Calculation Using the Braillewriter, Solving Quadratic Equations, Solving Systems of Equations in Three Variables, Linear Measure, Perimeter, and Area,  Transformations, Line Symmetry, and Tessellations, Geometric Constructions, Teaching a blind student how to graph on a coordinate plane and No tech, low tech, and high tech tools.
The Abacus Made Easy, 2nd Edition (1975) (APH Quota) M. Davidow Math Abacus book Report a problem!
Description: A simplified manual for teaching the Cranmer abacus.
The Computerized Nemeth Code Tutor G. Kapperman, 
J. Henry, 
M. Cortesi, 
Toni Heinze & 
J. Stricken
Learning Nemeth Code website Report a problem!
Description: For the sighted person, this computer program is downloadable and helps one improve his/her Nemeth skills.
The Mangold Developmental Program of Tactile Perception and Nemeth Numeral Recognition (Cost) S. Mangold Math Learning Nemeth Code, 
Tactual Sensitivities
kit Report a problem!
Description: This program is designed for the beginning braille student who is learning numbers. It is created so that reversals are avoided.
The Mathematics of Movement: O&M and Math Education D. Smith Math, 
Instructional Support, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts
Word document Report a problem!
Description: The author shows the unique relationship between the development of math skills and the development of orientation and mobility skills. Email Amanda Fierro to obtain the Powerpoint presentation. E-mail: fierroa@tsbvi.edu
Use of the Cranmer Abacus (Cost) R. Livingston Math Abacus, 
Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Instructional Development, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Instructional Support
book Report a problem!
Description: This is a manual for how to use the abacus for mathematical computation.
Using an Abacus and the Counting Method (1997) D. Sewell Math Abacus, 
Instructional Strategies
article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: Curriculum for teaching the abacus (included when purchased with The Use of the Cranmer Abacus through TSBVI Publications)
Using the Cranmer Abacus for the Blind (APH Quota) F. Gissoni Math Abacus book Report a problem!
Description: Manual of teaching strategies in using the Cranmer abacus with visually impaired students.
Why Should Students With Visual Impairments Draw? (2017) L. Hospital Math, 
Teaching Mathematical Concepts article/periodical Report a problem!
Description: This article presents the argument that students with visual impairments need opportunities to learn to draw to strengthen concept development and representation.
YouTube TSBVI Video Channel N/A Math, 
Professional Resources
Instructional Aids/Materials, 
Instructional Strategies, 
Instructional Support
website Report a problem!
Description: This is a youtube channel specifically dedicated to TSBVI. Short videos are presented on various topics relating to the instruction of the visually impaired.